Catholics are, first and foremost, Christianswho believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Catholicism shares some beliefs with other Christian practices, but essential Catholic beliefs include the following:
The Bible is the inspired, error-free, and revealed word of God.
Baptism,the rite of becoming a Christian, is necessary for salvation — whether the Baptism occurs by water, blood, or desire.
God's Ten Commandments provide a moral compass — an ethical standard to live by.
The existence of the Holy Trinity — one God in three persons. Catholics embrace the belief that God, the one Supreme Being, is made up of three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Catholics also believe that since Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, all humans are born with original sin, which only Baptism removes. A happier belief is in grace, a totally free, unmerited gift from God. Grace is a sharing in the divine; the inspiration to do God's will. Take a look at these common Catholic prayers.
Gambling, or gaming, is the staking of money or other thing of value on the issue of a game of chance. It thus belongs to the class of aleatory contracts which the gain or loss of the parties depends on an uncertain event. It is not gambling, in the strict sense, if a bet is laid on the issue of a game of skill like billiards or football. The Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church was published in 2005, and the first edition in English in 2006. It is a more concise and dialogic version of the Catechism. The text of the Compendium is available in fourteen languages on the Vatican website, which also gives the text of the Catechism itself in nine languages.
Catholics recognize the unity of body and soul for each human being. So the whole religion centers on the truth that humankind stands between the two worlds of matter and spirit. The physical world is considered part of God's creation and is, therefore, inherently good until an individual misuses it. Catholics also recognize the ten commandments.
For more on the basics of Catholicism, refer to the Twelve Articles of Catholic Faith.
Governor Beshear has announced plans to seek passage of legislation to expand gambling in Kentucky to help fund state government by asking voters to support an amendment to our Constitution that would allow this increase in gambling. Work continues between the State Senate and the Governor's office to write the legislation. In addition, several bills have already been filed in the House for similar purposes: HB 45, to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky; HB 46, related to casino gambling; and HB 140, to expand gambling without passing a Constitutional amendment.
Catholic Catechism On Gambling
Argyll casino daily food specials. Call 1-800-372-7181 and ask legislators to oppose all efforts to expand gambling in our Commonwealth. Or send a prepared email message to your legislators by clicking here.
Conference Position
Catholic Catechism Gambling
The Catholic Conference of Kentucky has a long-standing commitment to oppose amending the state Constitution to allow for the expansion of gambling in the Commonwealth or to expand it through other legislation. While proponents point to economic benefits, it is our belief that the state must also consider the consequences, namely the potential for destroyed lives, increased crime and other social ills.
The Catholic Church teaches that gambling is a morally neutral act and that games of chance 'are not in themselves contrary to justice' (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2413). However, the Catechism also warns that 'the passion for gambling risks becoming an enslavement' and becomes morally unacceptable when it deprives an individual of what is necessary to provide for his/her needs and those of others.
When gambling as a revenue stream becomes overly prevalent in a society, the risks associated with problem gambling multiply. With their flashing lights, free-flowing alcoholic drinks, all-night hours and generally intoxicating atmosphere, casinos are more likely than other gambling options to lead to bad decisions and catastrophic losses for patrons, particularly those prone to problem or compulsive gambling.
In collaboration with the Kentucky Council of Churches and others 'we are united in our belief that greed for unearned monetary gain destroys individuals and eventually corrodes the fabric of social trust upon which civic life must rely.' (KENTUCKY COUNCIL OF CHURCHES, Resolution Against Gambling Casinos
Adopted at the 46th Annual Assembly, October 14-15, 1993)
Any number of studies point to the harmful effects that result in expanding the opportunities to gamble, especially among low-income persons and those who suffer from gambling addiction. A 2009 study in Connecticut found an increase in employment and revenues, but also a 400 percent increase in embezzlement arrests, a doubling of driving while intoxicated arrests, and an increase in personal bankruptcies in areas where the state's two Indian casinos are located. The data is clear that proximity to casinos in general and predatory slot machines in particular increases addiction rates, and casinos derive at least 60% of their revenues from problem gamblers.
When looking at potential sources for new revenue, it is the responsibility of government to consider the consequences. Continued expansion of gambling will be devastating to individuals and families.
We cannot improve the conditions of our low-income sisters and brothers by throwing away some of them to lives of addiction to predatory gambling. The Catholic Conference of Kentucky continues to support the resolution of the Kentucky Council of Churches in which it states the following:
For the Christian, the common good, therefore, must be established by just and honest means. In a democratic society, government must persuade its citizens to support with their taxes the programs the citizens believe will be instrumental in nurturing and protecting all members of society and efficacious for productive economy and just relations among all residents of that political entity.
Therefore, we invite members of the Catholic community to call 1-800-372-7181 and ask legislators to oppose all efforts to expand gambling in our Commonwealth.
Photos: Governor of Kentucky website; USCCB Publishing
When looking at potential sources for new revenue, it is the responsibility of government to consider the consequences. Continued expansion of gambling will be devastating to individuals and families.
We cannot improve the conditions of our low-income sisters and brothers by throwing away some of them to lives of addiction to predatory gambling. The Catholic Conference of Kentucky continues to support the resolution of the Kentucky Council of Churches in which it states the following:
For the Christian, the common good, therefore, must be established by just and honest means. In a democratic society, government must persuade its citizens to support with their taxes the programs the citizens believe will be instrumental in nurturing and protecting all members of society and efficacious for productive economy and just relations among all residents of that political entity.
Therefore, we invite members of the Catholic community to call 1-800-372-7181 and ask legislators to oppose all efforts to expand gambling in our Commonwealth.
Photos: Governor of Kentucky website; USCCB Publishing
Tags: 2012 General Assembly, catechism, constitutional amendment, expanded gambling, HB 140, HB 45, HB 46, House bill